Meet Our Leadership Team
In Harmony with Community of Christ's Enduring Principles, the Walnut Gardens Congregation Compassionately, Competently, and Consistently Provides Ministries of Christian Education, Community Engagement, Pastoral Care, and Worship.
2025 Leadership
- Lead Pastor:Dave Read-Davis
- Counselor: Gary Logan
- Counselor: Sue Phipps
- Counselor: Mark Robison
- CFO: Jim Craft
- Assistant CFO: Jeff Brown
Christian Education
- Christian Education (Younger Kids): Janice Cramer
- Christian Education (Older Kids): Gary Logan and Sue Phipps
- Christian Education (Adults): Tom Mountenay
- Temple School Education: Kees Compier
Team Leads
- Community Engagement Team Lead: Jim and Sharon Hannah
- Pastoral Care Team Lead: Mary Buxbaum
- Worship Team Lead: Michelle Booth
Ministry Support
- Communications: Brian McMurray
- Facilities/Building Maintenance: Gary Logan
- Audio/Visual: Jeff Rogers
- Recorder: Kees Compier
- Secretary: Judy Compier
- Building Scheduler: Judy Compier
- Lead Deacon: Matt Varner
- Sign Board: Nancy Browne
- Scout Liaison: Matt Varner
- Retreat Directors (2025): Volunteer(s) welcome.
- Security Team: Gary Logan
- DGR Courier: Gary Dowler